ncipsvr:unable to send communication to Voyager when title greater than 50-100 characters
- Article Type: General
- Product: Voyager
- Product Version: 8.2.1
Issue 16384-18129
Module: ncipsvr
Server platform affected: Linux
Releases replicated in: Voyager 7.2.2 – 8.1
Expected results:
To be able to create bibs, mfhds, items, requests from ILL via ncipsvr when titles are longer than 50-100 characters.
Actual results:
When ncipsvr is running on Linux, requests to create create bibs, mfhds, items, requests from ILL time out if there are more than 50-100 characters in the title.
Workflow implications:
Depending on the site, staff frequently have to shorten titles to get communications to Voyager to go through.
Replication steps:
1. In ILL Management>Voyager Preferences>Setup Voyager Comms, make sure ILL is pointing to a Voyager Server on Linux.
2. In ILL Request, either create or edit a request so that the title is greater than 100 characters.
3. In ILL Request>View Borrowing Request Summary, select “Ready” by the request and click Send/Accept.
4. In ILL Management>Update Borrowing Requests>select Received Loan for the request
5. In ILL Management>Send Circ Updates to Voyager>Send
6. You’ll receive a “Timed out waiting for response to CreateItemfor request” message
7. No error is received when sending the same title if Voyager is running on Solaris.
Other information: The exact length of the title varies from site to site. Some sites have trouble with 50 characters, others get the error when the title is longer than 100 characters.
Workaround: Shorten the length of the title.
Fixed in Voyager 8.2.1
- Article last edited: 3/18/2015