recalls of renewed items should only use recall return interval
- Article Type: Known Issue
- Product: Voyager
- Product Version: All
- Relevant for Installation Type: Dedicated-Direct; Direct; Local; Total Care
*Recalled item has been renewed
*Original Charge date + Min Loan Period for Recalled Items has passed
*Due date is adjusted to Renewal Date + Min Loan Period for Recalled Items + Recall Return interval upon renewal
Defect Status
VYG-4252 is Currently in Development
Replication Steps
1. After the renewal date the patron HAD had the item for the amount of time specified in min loan period for recalled items - thus it should just be looking at the recall return interval.
2. Sysadmin Matrix settings:
Loan period=20day
Renew period=20day
Renew from due date
min loan for recall=2
recall return interval=1
3. Charge item to Patron A on 10/20/05. Due on 11/9/05.
4. Patron A renews the item on 11/4/05 which is 15 days into the loan period.
5. After renewal the item is due on the 11/29/05.
6. Patron B places a recall on the item on 11/10/05
7. The item is now showing a due date of 11/13/05
8. Because this new due date is adding both the min loan for recall and the recall return interval to set this. The patron has already had the item for the minimum loan period, the due date should be 11/11/05 which would just be the recall return interval.
Category: Circulation