voy/primo:not all eligible items renewable through Primo
- Article Type: General
- Product: Voyager
- Product Version: 8.1.0
Bug Report Form for Issue 16384-14033
Module(s): Voyager for Primo
Server platform(s) affected: Solaris/all
PC OS (if applicable): n/a
Browser & version (if applicable): n/a
Release(s) replicated in: Voyager 7.2.3, Primo 3
Expected results:
Voyager should send Primo correct renewal options for items based on their eligibility for renewal.
Actual results:
If the calculated new due date for the earliest due item falls before the due date of any other charged items, Voyager will send loan canRenew="N" to Primo for those items, and the item will show a status of Not Renewable (those same items will be renewable through WebVoyage).
Workflow implications: Users don’t have the option to renew some items even though they meet eligibility criteria.
Replication steps:
Let's say today's date is 4/30.
Create item type 1 and charge an item of this type out with a due date of 5/9.
Create item type 2 and charge an item of this type out with a due date of 5/18.
Create item type 3 and charge an item of this type out with a due date of 5/26.
If item type 1 has a Renewal Period of 1 day (such that the new calculated due date would fall before the due dates of any subsequent items in the list), item 1 will have the option to renew, but items 2 and 3 will not.
In the same scenario, if item type 1 has a Renewal Period of 9 days (such that the new calculated due date would fall on or after the due date of item 2 but before item 3), items 1 and 2 will have the option to renew, but item 3 will not.
Still in the same scenario, create item type 4 and charge an item of this type out with a due date of 4/30, with a Renewal Period of 30 minutes (such that the new calculated due date of item 4 would fall before the due date of all the other items), item 4 will have the option to renew, but items 1, 2 and 3 will not.
Again, in the same scenario, set item type 4's Renewal Period to 10 days (such that the new calculated due date would fall on or after the due date of item 1 but before that of items 2 and 3), items 4 and 1 will have the option to renew, but items 2 and 3 will not.
Again, in the same scenario, set item type 4's Renewal Period to 19 days (such that the new calculated due date would fall after the due date of items 1 and 2 but before that of item 3), items 4, 1 and 2 will have the option to renew, but item 3 will not.
Fixed in WebVoyage and passed through vxws in 8.1.0.
- Article last edited: 3/16/2015