360 Core: Offline Date and Status Editor: Upload Errors
- Product: 360 Core Client Center
What kinds of errors can cause the Offline Date and Status Editor system to reject our uploaded list of titles, or to not update the status or custom dates of certain titles?
If your file contains a lot of errors, it is possible that the system may stop processing the file and send an error message. If that happens, you will need to fix all the noted errors, re-upload the file, and then see what other errors are discovered by the system.
If the database is not selectable, then you cannot change the status and dates of individual titles. Moreover, the system will not inform you that it didn't change the status for any titles; no errors will be generated. The only way to discover this problem is to check the Database Details in the Client Center and note whether any changes occurred.
If a title does not have a publication date in 360 KB (which sometimes happens for e-books), the ODSE system cannot make changes to the title and will not return an error message to that effect. You'll be able to tell this happened because your changes won't appear in the Client Center's Data Management views.
Error Message | Meaning and Suggested Action |
Rejected - Missing Required Header
Rejected - Bad Header
The entire report was rejected; none of the rows of information were added to your database in the Client Center.
There must be one row, at the beginning of the file, with all of the required column headers, in the required order, spelled this way:
Therefore, if the file is rejected, it is because either the headers row is missing, one or more of the column headers is missing, the headers are in the wrong order, or one or more is not spelled correctly.
You need to go back to the file and make sure the row of column headers is there, and that all are spelled correctly.
Data item could not be processed | The system was unable to process the title in that row, probably because some information was missing to match the title to one in the 360 KB knowledgebase. See ODSE Record-Matching Logic for more details. |
FieldCannotBeEmpty:Field={0} |
The system was unable to process the title in that row, because one or more fields was empty and shouldn't have been. Required fields are:
In some situations you might not know the exact Title name and you left the Title field empty because you didn't want the ODSE system to fail when trying to match on other fields, such as ISSN/ISBN, URL, etc. Instead, you should include something in the Title field (even random characters is fine) so that the system sees the Title field isn't empty. The system will not try to match on that (incorrect) entry but will match other fields if it can. |
invalid custom date from
invalid custom date to
The Custom Dates must be in a valid date format.
By default, Excel will remove the leading zeros in dates. To prevent this from happening for date formats that require two digits for months and days -- such as MM/DD/YYYY -- highlight the columns for Custom Dates From and Custom Dates To, right click and select Format Cells, and finally change the Format to Text. Go back through all the dates and add leading zeros as needed so that all Custom Dates read as MM/DD/YYYY. |
invalid libraryCode/databaseCode pair | The system was unable to find the database in your library's list of subscribed databases. The system does not recognize your uploaded spreadsheet.You can avoid this error by downloading the title list first and only making changes to the allowed columns. |
invalid title holding | The system was unable to find that title in the database to which you're uploading the file. This can happen if the title is misspelled (it needs to match exactly the title in the database), or if the title just isn't in that database at all. You can avoid both possibilities by downloading the title list first and only making changes to the allowed columns. See ODSE Record-Matching Logic for more details. |
InvalidValue:Value={0};Field={1} |
Entries in the Type column can only be "Journal" or "Book" (without the quotation marks), and entries in the Status column can only be "Subscribed" "Under Review" "Not Tracked" or "From Consortium" (again, without the quotation marks). If you have 360 Resource Manager, the Status column can also have any status you previously defined.
If you are using the Client Center in a language other than English, when you download the title list, the entries in the Type column will be in the Client Center language you have chosen. However, when you try to upload that file again, our system will not accept Type entries other than the English "Journal" or "Book." Until we can fix that problem, you need to view the Client Center in English when you download a title list.
title custom date range invalid | The Custom Date To must be after (more recent than) the Custom Date From. |
unknown title |
The system was unable to find that title in Serials Solutions' 360 KB.
See ODSE Record-Matching Logic for more details.
unknown titleId/ISBN -- Book
unknown titleId/ISSN -- Journal
The Type field must contain "Book" or "Journal" (without the quotation marks) and must match what Type that title is in 360 KB. |
- Date Created: 9-Feb-2014
- Last Edited Date: 20-Feb-2014
- Old Article Number: 7132