360 Core: Duplicate Holdings in One Database
- Product: 360 Core Client Center
There are one or more records in the Client Center/Intota that automatically set themselves to 'Subscribed' or 'Not Tracked' to match the first record, which produces multiple links in our E-Journal Portal -- how do we stop this?
If there are multiple holdings (records) of a title within a particular database, it is usually because they have different date ranges, different URLs, or both. When this happens, ProQuest products like the E-Journal Portal, 360 Search, and 360 Link may display all the holdings as though they were separate titles, rather than just one.
Unfortunately, the structure of our system inhibits the way that duplicate holdings can be handled, as is the case here. Our software developers are aware of this issue, and we apologize for any inconvenience until the system can be changed.
Meanwhile, there is a partial solution if you only want one holding to display: The data itself will show accurately for your users if you navigate to the title level and customize the date ranges and URL for one of the titles. Within 24 hours, all but one of the duplicate holdings will disappear from patron-facing ProQuest products.
We call it a "partial solution" because it has one disadvantage: Now that you've customized the date range and URL of the title, any updates we make to that title (such as a new URL from the provider) will not flow out to your holdings; you will need to make updates manually.
If you need both holdings to display, you can customize one in the publisher database and set up the other one in a Library Specific Holdings database. If you need help with this, please use the Support Portal option to contact us.
- Date Created: 9-Feb-2014
- Last Edited Date: 18-Feb-2014
- Old Article Number: 7082