360 Core: Output URL on Holdings Details Page
- Product: 360 Core Client Center
What is the Output URL on the Holdings Details page?
The Output URL appears on a Holding Details page of a resource -- typically an e-journal or e-book title within a specific database or collection -- and indicates the link that will appear for your patrons when they encounter the title through any ProQuest discovery service for which the "Display In" checkbox is checked:

The Output URL is constructed from a number of elements:
- The Default URL for the title, as provided by the content vendor.
- Your library's proxy prefix, prepended to the Default URL if you have one set up in the Library URLs section of Library Settings in the Client Center.
- Any title-level linking adjustments that have been made to facilitate quick access to resources. For example, some providers use elements embedded within linking URL's to identify your library and subscription. Gale's use of the "locID" and Factiva's use of the proprietary "XSID" code are a very common examples; many other providers use embedded usernames and passwords or other encoded elements in the same way.
The Output URL for each holding will be overridden by the Database URL if:
- Your library has chosen to use the Database URL for all holdings within the collection by checking off the "Use database-level (custom or default) URL only for all titles in this database" setting on the Database Details page; or
- The database does not include any title-level URLs.
- Date Created: 9-Feb-2014
- Last Edited Date: 1-Feb-2016
- Old Article Number: 7130