*lc_call_no* tab_filing routine *MASTER RECORD*
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 20
What does the lc_call_no tab_filing routine do?
The lc_call_no filing routine generates a filing key which will cause the numbers to sort in correct LC call number order. It has processes periods (decimals) to achieve this and, most importantly, it inserts special filing characters (! " #) in the filing key in order to make the numbers file as whole numbers, for example:
B 7
Since ' ' [blank] files before '!', which files before '"', which files before '#', you get the correct order.
If the number portion of the class part is two digits:
then a "!" is inserted:
b!29 b54
If the number portion of the class part is three digits:
$$hBL625$$i.I5 1948
then a "!" is inserted:
bl"625 i5 1948
If the number portion of the class part is four digits:
then a "#" is inserted:
b#2430 m33 r32
If the number portion of the class part is a single digit:
then a space is inserted:
ac 5 n44
The lc_call_no routine can be specified in the xxx01 tab_filing (where it affects the z01_rec_key) and in the xxx50 tab_filing_call_no (where it affects the z30_call_no_key).
KB 4023 discusses the sorting of LC cutter numbers and volume numbers.
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013