Aleph Z00P records missing AVA fields *MASTER RECORD*
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 20, 21, 22, 23
Problem Symptoms:
For a number of Z00P records the AVA fields are missing and therefore these records do not appear in Primo
An AVA field is NOT created in the following cases:
1. xxx50/tab/tab15.lng: OPAC-DISPLAY (column 10) is set to "N". Note: if you modified xxx50/tab/tab15.lng you have to restart ue_21 in BIB library so that the changes will get active.
2. Item has an item process status which is not in the "AVA=" list of item process statuses in column 3 ("Program arguments") of xxx01/tab/tab_expand line
3. If there is more than 1 collection in a sublibrary. The program includes only one. As suggested in the article " Aleph Publishing: Only 1 AVA field per Sublibrary despite multiple Collections ", add the COLLECTION=Y parameter to the expand_doc_bib_avail line in xxx01/tab/tab_expand if you want additional collections to be considered
Additional Information
Note: For item on loan, on hold, in transit, or being reshelved, an AVA is created with value "Unavailable". In one case, the item had a very old hold on it which was not showing up in the GUI, but could be seen in the xxx50 util f/4 for the z37. (They were able to bring this hold record up by the patron in the GUI and delete it.)
There were bugs in the expand_doc_bib_avail program which caused an AVA to not be created:
1. when, in rare cases, even though the parameter COLLECTION was set to Y, there were several items from a different collection in the same sub-library. Corrected by: v20 rep_change 3822 / v21 rep_change 2377.
2. when, if a bibliographic record had all its items hidden to the OPAC, and therefore to publishing (according to tab15.lng), the AVA field was not built from the HOL record, and therefore was not created at all. Corrected by v21 rep_change 2253: if no existing item is displayable to OPAC, then the AVA field is built from the HOL record.
See also article Aleph expand_doc_bib_avail parameters
Category: Publishing
Subject: Publishing Services
- Article last edited: 27-May-2016