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    Aleph Z00P records not Written when xxx01 Records updated **MASTER RECORD**

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20, 21, 22, 23
    • Relevant for Installation Type: Dedicated-Direct; Direct; Local; Total Care

    Problem Symptoms:
    We have updated several xxx01 BIB records in the past week but I find that they are not being published and no Z00P record is being written to the $usr_library.  (The same can occur for xxx30 records.)

    Unknown, probably the ue process was not stopped during an Oracle shutdown/restart.

    * Stop xxx01 ue_21, using util e/22
    * restart util e/21.

    Explanation and analysis
    In order for a changed BIB record to be processed by publish-06 (which creates a tar file for input to Primo), the following needs to happen:

    1.a. an xxx01* Z07 record needs to be written and the BIB ue_01 needs to process the z07 and write an xxx01* Z07P;
    1.b. an xxx01* Z07A record, written by ue_01, needs to processed by ue_01_z0102, which writes an xxx01* Z07P;
    1.c. an update occurs to a Z36 (loan) record or a Z37 (request) record, which writes an xxx01* Z07P record

    2. the BIB ue_21 needs to process the Z07P and write a Z00P record to the $usr_library

    * Z07P records were being written in abc01
    * ue_21 appears in util c/1
    * but the Z07P records have not been processed since Feb. 24:
    >> ls -lrt *e_21*
    -rw-r--r-- 1 aleph18 exlibris 539 Feb 20 16:05 run_e_21.20999
    -rw-r--r-- 1 aleph18 exlibris 539 Feb 23 10:01 run_e_21.32422
    -rw-r--r-- 1 aleph18 exlibris 299 Feb 24 20:52 run_e_21.11524

    util f/4 showed 13 (unprocessed) Z07P records.

    After stopping/restarting ue_21, xxx01* Z07P records should be successfully processed.

    If no z07p is record is created, the problem may be with the z07a. See the article " z07a record count not going down " in that regard.

    * The same can apply to the publishing of xxx30 Course records.

    Additional Information

    To ensure, that the ue_21 process is running smoothly, the following SQL can be run several times.

      SQL-XXX01>> select count(*) from z07p;

    The number of z07p records should not be increasing.

    Article   z07a record count not going down .

    Category: Publishing

    • Article last edited: 1/26/2015