Aleph configuration to SSL for secure x-services and disabling other ports
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 20, 21, 22, 23
- Relevant for Installation Type: Dedicated-Direct, Direct, Local, Total Care
Desired Goal/Outcome
Use SSL for Aleph OPAC and X-Services; disable ports other than 443.
In order to use SSL for Aleph OPAC and X-Services and disable other ports, the following configurations need to be made:
1- Follow instructions from the Article " Forcing X-Services transactions to occur using SSL? " for configuring Apache to SSL. In addition , in the
$httpd_root/conf/httpd_conf file , comment out the line "Listen ".
2- In the file $alephe_root/ aleph_start change the following three environment variables to "443"
setenv HTTPD_PORT 443
setenv PDS_PORT 443
setenv PDS_PORT_IN 443
3- change the following line in the hidden file : $httpd_root/htdocs/.index.html to "https" and "443"
var loc = "https:/*********443*******
4- In the file $alephe_root/ www_server.conf change these following parameters to :
setenv server_httpd "https://${WWW_HOST}:443"
setenv server_httpsd "https://${WWW_HOST}:443"
setenv server_css "https://${WWW_HOST}:$HTTPD_PORT"
setenv server_css_ssl "https://${WWW_HOST}:443"
If PDS is being used on the Aleph server , change the PDS definition parameters to "https" and "443"
5- If this is an Ex Libris Hosted site, update Exlibris 24x7 hub that the Aleph port that was being used is not accessible anymore and that the new port is "443"
- Article last edited: 6-Jun-2016