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    Bib / Item deletion: effect on patron circulation log

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    We have a collection of rental books that circulate for a period of time, then are returned to the vendor. We have been doing a Total Delete from the system for these titles, but we would like to maintain some of the circulation history, particularly having the title listed on a patron's circulation log. Is there a way to maintain this history and not have the title show up in a public search of the catalog once we no longer own the book? I didn't find a place to suppress the bib record, and the status of Suppressed under Item Status appears to be invalid.

    The deletion of the BIB and its associated Item records does not affect the circulation logger (z39) records, but since the title and barcode are not stored in the z309 record, the circ logger entry would appear without this information in this case.

    But you *can* suppress a BIB record from display in the OPAC (rather than deleting it). You do this by adding an STA $$aSUPPRESSED field to the BIB record in Cataloging.

    Since the STA field is indexed in the wst Word index and since the ABC01CAT tab_base line has "alldocuments not (wst=suppressed or wst=deleted)", the addition of the STA field will cause the document to *not* be displayed in the OPAC.

    Note: as described in KB 6700, the deletion of the item does *not* delete the circ statistics for the item.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013