Call number does not populate when HOL link applied (X852-ITEM-OVERRIDE)
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 20
Copy cataloging within a member of our consortium searches in SYS01, copies a BIB record and edits fields to make the BIB their own. Then they create a holding record and an item record.
In tst50, when adding a new item record, click add and a blank item record form appears. When I click the HOL link and link to the holding record, then click refresh, the information from holding record fills in the form - particularly the call number.
For xyz50 and certain other libraries, this action is not functioning. What controls this?
KB 8192-1771 describes the conditions which allow the 852 sublibrary, collection, and call number to be propagated to the associated item records.
#3. is "xxx60 tab100 X852-ITEM-OVERRIDE must not be set to "N"."
Looking at the xyz50 tab100, I find:
That is the cause of your problem. Please change this to "Y" and restart the pc_server.
I see that tst50 tab100 does *not* have
(and, therefore, is defaulting to "Y").
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013