Call number fields: 050, 090, etc.
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 20, 21, 22, 23
How do we get the system to look for call number in both the 050 field (primary) and 090 fields (secondary) field?
Aleph stores your local call number in the HOL 852 $$h/$$i subfields (and in the corresponding z30_call_no field).
What call number is placed in the HOL 852 is determined by the program creating the HOL.
For HOL records created by the cataloger in the GUI Cataloging client, the create_hol_record program is used. This program checks the HOL library's tab100 CREATE-852-HOL. If it has a value of "Y" then:
! Y = automatic generation of 852 subfields from call
! number fields in the BIB record (099, 098, 090, 092,
! 096, 050, 055, 060, 070, 082, 086i)
This sequence of checking is hard-coded in the create_hol_record program. The 090 field is defined in MARC as the Local Call Number and, if present, takes priority over the 050. If you want the create_hol_record program to use the 050 field, you should delete the 090 field prior to generating the HOL record.
If the HOL record is created by a batch process (oclc_server, p_manage_50, p_file_99, etc.), then the bib library tab_mapping and the ADM library tab_z30 can come into play.
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013