Call number in short doc (z13) record / Web basket in 15.2
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 16.02
Setting up the call number in the web basket for versions 12.4 and 14.2, how would one do this in 15.2?
The old (15.2) answer is below. For the current (v18) answer, **see KB 6544**.
The xxx01/tab/tab22 table controls what fields are included in the z13 record. In 15.2-up you can specify an edit_paragraph number in tab22 in place of a MARC field . The 15.2-up tab22 header says, for column 2: ! 1=data taken bib record's tag + subfield + position ! 2=data taken from the bib, using edit_paragraph; And, for column 3: ! Field tag + indicators or Paragraph number; ! If col.2 is set to 1, enter Field Tag. ! If col.2 is set to 2, enter Paragraph number The www_f_basket_short program looks in the Z13 for a field with the label "CALL-NO". The distributed usm01 and exu01 tab22 have this line: CALL-NO 1 050** a LOC h which has the problem of including the 050 (which is not the local call number) first and the fact that the 852 subfield i is omitted. What we suggest instead is (in the xxx01/tab/): 1. Changing the CALL-NO line in tab22 to this: CALL-NO 2 228 2. Adding an edit_paragraph.eng entry "228" like this: ! Call number for z13 CALL-NO field 228 PST** M <where the "*" are changed to "#"> 3. Adding an edit_field.eng PST M entry like this: 1 L PST** M B 2 h A ^ 2 i A ^ 2 j A ^ 2 k A ^ <where the "*" are changed to "#"> (or whatever subfields from the PST you want to include). You also need to have the standard expand_doc_bib_loc_n_x lines in tab_expand for CREATE-Z13 (to generate the PST): CREATE-Z13 expand_doc_bib_loc_1_a CREATE-Z13 expand_doc_bib_loc_1_b CREATE-Z13 expand_doc_bib_loc_1_c CREATE-Z13 expand_doc_sort_loc_b CREATE-Z13 expand_doc_bib_loc_2_a CREATE-Z13 expand_doc_bib_loc_3_a CREATE-Z13 expand_doc_bib_loc_cleanup [continued below];[Continued:] You can test this by resending a few records to the server and then doing util f/4 for the z13 to check if their z13 CALL-NO fields have been created properly. Assuming that they have, you can then run p_manage_07 for xxx01 to regenerate the z13. Note: If you want to include call numbers from the bib record (such as 090 or 092) in addition to the PST, then the preceding will not work.
Additional Information
call number, Web basket, 15.2
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013