Can We Use Call Number 2 with a Drop-Down Selection List?
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 20
In Call Number 2 (AKA - 2nd Call Number) Item field, we intend to populate this field with text such as our virtual collection information (note virtual collection is not the same as collection).
We need to define a control vocabulary / look up so that when staff accession such items, they can preferably choose from a defined list of text from drop down box. Is this available?
If this is not available, any other ways that we can achieve similar effect, e.g. through browse index, etc?
ALEPHCOM \ $data_tab \ alephcom.ini : [ExpandField] ItemLocation2Field=1 will force that field to use a drop-down list instead of other options (see the alephcom.ini file for additional options..
The drop-down option values are set in ADM / $data_tab / pc_tab_exp_field_extended.eng : ITEM-LOCATION-2"
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013