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    Can we use X-Server results to deep link into the OPAC?

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    Is it possible to send a query to the XServer, retrieve a session id and set number and then deep link to the Web OPAC with those parameters so that the results set will display?

    As far as I can tell, this does not work. It seemed as if it might work, but I substituted information from X-Server responses into reasonable and valid URLs into the Web OPAC and it did not recognize the input parameters at all. My conclusion is that this is not possible.

    I tried this sequence on our test X-Server:
    -- This returned some matches with set_number "001971" and a session-id

    -- This returned the two records, as requested

    http://ourserver:8991/F/<session-id from 1st X call>?func=short-sort&set_number=001971&sort_option=02---A01---A
    http://ourserver:8991/F/<session-id from 2nd X call>?func=short-sort&set_number=001971&sort_option=02---A01---A
    -- These both took me to the Catalog welcome screen

    -- This gave a message, "The set of records doesn't exist, therefore can't be displayed."

    All of this suggests that the session-id numbers from X-Server calls are distinct from those used in the OPAC. Also, the set numbers appear to be distinct. With those two facts, deep linking into the OPAC using X-Server values does not appear to be possible.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013