Certain patrons not receiving overdue notices (due to change in patron status)
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 20
Problem Symptoms:
Certain patrons have not received notices for their overdue items. Other patrons are have been receiving notices at the correct intervals.
Change in patron's patron status.
If just certain patrons of a particular status are failing to receive notices, check if the status of the patron(s) not receiving notices has changed since the time of the loan -- and if, perhaps, overdue notices are no longer being produced for the former status. Aleph uses the patron status at the time of the loan (the z36_bor_status) as the basis for sending overdue notices and calculating overdue fines.
Additional Information
SQL could be used to change the z36_bor_status in cases where use of the current status is desired.
If all patrons of a certain patron status are failing to receive overdue notices, then please consult
Article# 000010690 (KB 16384-23201) ("Overdue notices not being produced for certain items") https://exlibrisgroup.my.salesforce.com/kA46000000002Co?srPos=1&srKp=ka4 and
Article# 000009472 (KB 8192-4555) ("How are regular overdue fines calculated?") https://exlibrisgroup.my.salesforce.com/kA46000000001tA?srPos=1&srKp=ka4
- Article last edited: 11/20/2013