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    Checkboxes and Arrows in the Group Node

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 16.02

    In serials module, in the group node, If you activate the checkboxes in the item form, the field will be changed in ALL items.
    If you deactivate the checkbox, the field will not be changed for ANY of the items.

    If this is the case, what is the point of the arrows?

    The arrows are meant simply for viewing all the copies of of an issue before making any changes.

    The checkboxes and arrows are relevant for some functionalities and irrelevant for others. However, they are displayed for all functionalities:

    Arriving: a new window opens, so neither the checkboxes or the arrows are relevant

    Merging: both arrows and checkboxes appear. The arrows are for view. The checkboxes are for applying to all copies or applying to none of the copies any field you check/un-check.

    For example:
    When merging two issues which have several copies, and each copy has a different item status, it is possible to retain the item status of each copy by un-checking the item status box. Non of the copies are effected by this field, because you unchecked this field.

    Delete: irrelevant: new window opens

    Add/Duplicate: checkboxes are irrelevant

    Note: If you want to change a particular item, the place for that change would be of course in the check-in node, or in the items node. But there's also the option to change a specific item in the group node: go to any other tab except the first one (All items): you will able to see all copies of all items, and make changes to a specific item.

    Additional Information

    Checkbox, arrow, group node, item status

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013
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