Creating a customised loans summary letter (BOR-PRINT in pc_tab_exp_field.eng)
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 18.01
I'm trying to create a new loans summary letter, that is generated via Patron record 'Letter' option.
I've copied bor-list.xsl to borrower-letter-e.xsl (in /exlibris5/aleph/u18_8/abc01/form_eng), and updated pc_tab_exp_field.eng to contain line:
BOR-PRINT L Test notice - very overdue books E
The text prints fine, but the table containing the loans information will not display within the body of the letter. Is this because a letter format is not able to include a table / loans details?
I then tried to create a 2nd copy of bor-list.xsl called bor-list-01.xsl, and updated pc_tab_exp_field.eng to contain line:
BOR-PRINT Test notice - more overdue books LIST-01
When selected from the 'letter' option, this gives error message:
xsl file name borrower-letter-l is missing
So I created that file name copied from the bor-list-01.xsl. The letter printed with the text only, again omitting the table containing the loans summary.
Are the BOR-PRINT codes (as seen in column 4 of pc_tab_exp_field.eng) hardcoded, if so what are they? And, how do I 'configure' a 2nd version of the bor-list.xsl within pc_tab_exp_field.eng?
It is not possible to 'configure' a 2nd version of the bor-list.xsl within pc_tab_exp_field.eng. The program for the "print letter to patron" dialogue window differs between the print options LIST, CARD, RENEW-LIST and "other":
LIST is hardcoded to produce an XML file with <form-name>bor-list</form-name> in the header and which contains the sub-library address, patron data (z302) and loan data (z13, z36, z30). You can see the XML file in ..\circ\files\xxx50\print\brltrLST.prn.
CARD is hardcoded to produce an XML file with <form-name>bor-card-label</form-name> in the header and which contains the sub-library address and patron data (z302, z308). You can see the XML file in ..\circ\files\xxx50\print\brltrCRD.prn.
RENEW-LIST is hardcoded to produce an XML file with <form-name>bor-list-renew-all</form-name> in the header and which contains the sub-library address, patron data (z302) and loan data (z13, z36, z30). You can see the XML file in ..\circ\files\xxx50\print\brltr.prn.
All other print options (--> A/B/C whatever) are hardcoded to produce an XML file with <form-name>borrower-letter-...</form-name> in the header and which contains the sub-library address and patron data (z302) (-- no loan data). You can use these letters only to send letters with pre-defined text to the patrons.
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013