Default value for z30_material in Acq-created item
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 15.2
The item type 'BOOK' is being assigned to items in the Acquisitions module when an item is automatically created during the acquisitions process. How can we change this?
The ./xxx50/tab/tab36 controls this: "Defaults for automatic opening of Monograph-type items in Acquisitions."
tab36 specifies what item status (z30_item_status) , material type (z30_material), Collection (z30_collection), and call-number type (z30_call_no_type) items for each sublibrary will receive (by default) when automatically created via the order record.
NOte: There can be only *one* line for each sublibrary in tab36.
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013