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    Delay in records being searchable after z07 has been processed

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    I've been loading large files of ebrary records at two sites.

    z07 is now empty; ue_01 log file shows all the records have been processed, but when I search a batch I am not finding all records.

    For instance, I have a file on the server of system numbers from a load: ebrhalf2 (second half of the ebrary load) -- 34543 records; I load that file into the gui to do some quality control searching (I'm looking for missing fields in the MARC records); I qualify by Author=ebrary. I get back 17997; two minutes later, I get back 18106. util/f/1/28 shows that any of the records that are NOT being returned in the qualification DO have the term in the index.

    How long after z07 clears out AND the record is processed by ue01 does it take for the searching to actually recognize the index term?

    You indicate that "z07 is now empty". But, as described in KB 16384-28545, ue_01 generates z07a records which are processed by the ue_01_word_parallel and ue_01_z0102.

    In deciding whether the processing is complete, the z07a table also needs to be empty.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013