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    Difference between VENDOR-SHARING “0” and “1”

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    Tab100 switch “VENDOR-SHARING” ….

    I don’t really understand the difference b/w “0” and “1”. Would it be correct to assume that “0” allows vendor records with empty z70_sub_library fields; and “1” requires vendor records with sub library codes in the z70_sub_library fields?

    • VENDOR-SHARING (…xxx50/tab/tab100)

    – Default: 0

    – 0 = this is the default if this parameter is not defined;
    • 1) when a filter is active on the vendor list, vendors that have not been assigned a sublibrary/order unit are considered as "general use" vendors and therefore display in the list.
    • 2) when vendor is assigned to an order, the vendors that do not have any sublibrary/order unit are considered as "general use" vendors and therefore can be assigned to the order; if the vendor has even one sublibrary/order unit, it must have a sublibrary/order unit that matches the sublibrary/order unit of the order.

    – 1 = this can be useful for sites that have many vendor records that are irrelevant to a particular library. This can happen when the site is sharing a single vendor table for multiple ADM libraries, or the site has done a batch load of general vendor records.
    • 1) when a filter is active on the vendor list, vendors that have not been assigned a relevant sublibrary/order unit are not displayed in the list.
    • 2) when vendor is assigned to an order, the vendor must have same sublibrary/order unit as the order. Vendors that do not have any sublibrary/order unit cannot be used on orders.

    The primary difference is in which Vendors can be assigned to an Order.

    With VENDOR-SHARING = 0, Vendors with no Sublibrary designation (tab 4 of the Vendor record) can be assigned to any Order.

    With VENDOR-SHARING = 1, the only Vendor records can be assigned to an Order are those who have an explicit Sublibrary designation on tab 4 that matches the Sublibrary on the Order record.

    (NOTE: Substitute Order Unit for Sublibrary for those sites that have tab100 USE-ORDER-UNIT = Y.)

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013