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    Duplicate billing for lost books

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    Why are bills duplicating?

    From ABC50:
    Ryan Jones (patron id ID47000) is one I am just looking at. His fees have multiplied! Should be $360 not $640.

    In other cases the Replacement and Processing fees are zero -- which is incorrect.

    Below is SQL showing patron ID47000's fines. Please find cases where you feel that the fine is duplicated. I don't see any cases of the same z31_type for the same item, which is what I would consider duplication....

    abc50@ALEPH1> select z31_date_x, z31_sum, z31_type, substr (z31_key,1,15) from z31 where z31_rec_key like 'ID47000%' and z31_status = 'O';
    **** Hit return to continue ****

    Z31_DATE Z31_SUM Z31_TYPE SUBSTR(Z31_KEY,1,15)
    -------- -------------- ---------- ---------------------------------------------
    20090204 00000000003500 41 000015632000010
    20090204 00000000000500 40 000015632000010
    20090204 00000000003500 41 000034895000010
    20090204 00000000000500 40 000034895000010
    20090205 00000000003500 41 000035747000010
    20090205 00000000000500 40 000035747000010
    20090205 00000000003500 41 000038079000010
    20090205 00000000000500 40 000038079000010
    20090206 00000000003500 41 000051886000010
    20090206 00000000000500 40 000051886000010
    20090206 00000000003500 41 000056614000010
    20090206 00000000000500 40 000056614000010
    20090206 00000000003500 41 005478529000010
    20090206 00000000000500 40 005478529000010
    20090303 00000000003500 41 000190998000010
    20090303 00000000003500 41 000148837000030
    20090303 00000000003500 41 000034895000010
    20090303 00000000003500 41 000015632000010
    20090303 00000000003500 41 000035747000010
    20090303 00000000003500 41 000038079000010
    20090303 00000000003500 41 000056614000010
    20090303 00000000003500 41 000051886000010
    20090303 00000000003500 41 005478529000010
    20090303 00000000000500 40 000190998000010
    20090303 00000000000500 40 000148837000030
    20090303 00000000000500 40 000034895000010
    20090303 00000000000500 40 000015632000010
    20090303 00000000000500 40 000035747000010
    20090303 00000000000500 40 000038079000010
    20090303 00000000000500 40 000056614000010
    20090303 00000000000500 40 000051886000010
    20090303 00000000000500 40 005478529000010

    The case of the Replacement and Processing fees being zero was like KB 16384-3304. See KB 16384-3304.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013