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    EDI Check-in error, message "Item xxx does not exist"


    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20, 21, 22, 23
    • Relevant for Installation Type: Dedicated-Direct, Direct, Local, Total Care


    Some items can not checked in with EDI but EDI load log shows a message like
    "Item ((201408);1-L) for Subscription number: RL/P12345, Vendor order number: 7nnnnn, Order number: does not exist" 

    Subscription number and vendor order number are available in the system.


    In general a message in the EDI load log like "Item ((201408);1-L) for Subscription number: RL/P92445, Vendor order number: 76214656, Order number: does not exist" does NOT mean that the subscription number or vendor order number could not be found BUT rather “Item xxx … does not exist”. This indicates a problem with the issue numbering so that the system can't find the correct item. For the above example the entry in edi load file should be changed the following way:

    PIA+5+0003-858X(201408);1-L:SI::28' <-- wrong here: (201408) will be interpreted as year 2014 and volume 08 but 08 is the issue number and the vol. is 202

    Correct numbering is:

    Another example where you'll find in the edi file:


    Aleph searches for an item with numbering 53.2014. However there is no item with year 2014 at all, the latest item is from 2005.

    So whenever you see the above message in the EDI load log you should check the issue numbering.



    • Article last edited: 26-Jun-2016
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