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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    EDI invoice -- not adding shipping correctly

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    The overhead/shipping charges on our EDI invoices aren't being processed?
    These charges are being coded as: MOA+8:166.42.

    This is happening because these shipping charges are appearing in the Invoice Summary instead of the Header.

    The additional charges (shipping, overhead, etc.) coded in the MOA+8 segment can legitimately appear in either the Invoice Header at the top, or the Invoice Summary at the bottom.

    If they appear in the bottom, it indicates that the amount is a summary of individual charges coded in each line item on the invoice. When this format is used, ALEPH applies each amount to the appropriate ALEPH line item, just as they appear in the EDI Invoice line items.

    If the MOA+8 segment appears in the Header, it means that the charges apply to the invoice as a whole. When this format is used, you have the option of prorating the charges across all line items, based on the cost of each line item. Or, alternatively, you can designate that the MOA+8 additional charges be loaded as a separate 'dummy' line item, associated with no specific order. This enhancement was implemented for several ALEPH sites that have a separate budget for recording these charges. This optional behavior is controlled by the edi_in_attr table.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013
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