Error reading Z100 in usr_library
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 20, 21, 22, 23
- Relevant for Installation Type: Dedicated-Direct; Direct; Local;
Running 'Create Tar File for ALEPH Published Records (publish-06)' the following error appears:
Oracle error: update_cursor z100
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
Error reading Z100 in usr_library
Wrote Z100 record with rec-key: no_such_symbol
Table z100 must also be defined for the $usr_library in Aleph 19 (and up)
Definition of z100 for the $usr_library can be done in one of 2 ways:
1) adding it to the $usr_library $data_root/file_list or
2) setting the $usr_library $data_root/prof_library file_list_type so that it will be included from the $aleph_root/tab/file_list.USR template.
Then do dlib $usr_library and run util a/17/1 for z100 to actually create it.
Also, when the USR and the ADM library are the same, in the XXX50/prof_library file parameter, "file_list_type", should be ADM:
setenv file_list_type ADM
In addition to this setting, the variable usr_library in $alephe_root/aleph_start.private should also be ADM.
setenv usr_library <xxx50 ADM library>
(such as "USM50")
Additional Information
See also Knowledge Base item clear_vir01 error after v19 Upgrade Express: "Error reading Z100 in usr_library" for a case where the error was occurring in clear_vir01.
Category: Background processing
- Article last edited: 21/March/2016