Help with AIK Step 6, Part 3
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 18.01
I'm using AIK to install v.20 and Oracle on a new server. I'm stuck at a point in the AIK. Step 6-3 Add tablespace.
I've run the script on our current prod database and transferred the file to /exlibris/ftp_from_exlibris/sdbdesc/tmp/src_ts_list.list on our new server. But when I run this step it is still asking me for mount points. I quit at that point. The AIK documentation says on page 27 that "if that file exists, the system uses it automatically; otherwise, enter the mount points". It doesn't seem to be recognizing the file.
You need to specify the specific mount points for the database files you're going to define in this step. Typically these are under /exlibris, but it looks like you are using other mount points (u06, u09, and perhaps others). So you'll need to define the mount points when prompted. Enter the list based on where you plan to put the data (or distribute it if you're splitting it among more than one mount point.)
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013