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    Hold not placed on "like copies" for different sublibrary **MASTER RECORD**

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    When some copies of a title are in one location (RCP) and others are in another location (RGB), and a hold is placed in RCP, the hold is applied only to the RCP copy(s) -- not other "like items". We need the hold lists to be distributed on all copies of an item regardless of the location, so that we can serve patrons better.

    (The z37_filter_sub_library has a value of "RCP".)

    The reason that the system is defaulting to the specific sublibrary of the requested item as the z37_filter_sub_library is that you have SUB-LIBRARY-DIVISION = Y specified in the rcp50 tab100. This means that "a hold/photo request includes the sublibrary of the copy chosen for hold/photo, and only copies with the same sublibrary will satisfy the request".

    If you want items in other sublibraries to be able to satisfy the request, you need to change this to SUB-LIBRARY-DIVISION = N (or omit the parameter, since "N" is the default). This should cause the z37_filter_sub_library to be generated with a value of "*".

    Note: In the GUI, the z37_filter_sub_library (on the second, "Item Filter Information" tab of the hold request screen) should also now default to "*". If you find that it does not, changing it to "*" will cause copies for other sublibraries to fill the request.

    If the hold is for a specific item only and does not extend to other copies in the *same* sublibrary, that can have two possible causes: 1) requesting
    an "exact copy" in the circulation client; or 2) tab15.eng, column 11, being set to "Y". This means: "the request will be for the specific item, not another like copy,...". In either case, the z37_expand field will have a value of "N".

    Additional Information


    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013