How To Install Service Pack
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 20, 21, 22, 23
How do we install an Aleph Service Pack?
> dlib xxx01 (dlib to one of your libraries, any library)
> util sp (enter this command to bring up the Service Pack utility menu:)
SP. Service Pack Management
0. Exit Procedure
1. Prepare/Update Environment
2. Download latest SP
3. Check SP Download status
4. Install SP
5. Run SP Utility
6. Download 3rd party products update
7. Check 3rd party product download status
8. Extract products updates
9. Update 3rd party soft links
10. Run Third party product OS pre checks
Generally, you want to go through the menu sequentially, but for certain service packs, such as, as described in the article Installing third-party products as part of service pack , SP 22.1.6, you need to do steps 6, 7,10, 8 and 9 before steps 4 and 5.
Should you encounter an error in performing a step, check for knowledge articles on the particular SP message. There are a number of such articles.
For details, see the documents: "The Aleph Service Pack Mechanism - SP 22.pdf " or, for v23: