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    How does item sorting/tab_z30_sort work?

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    Desired Outcome Goal:
    How does item sorting/tab_z30_sort work?

    Item sort options are specified in xxx01/tab/tab_z30_sort.

    The Web OPAC sort is controlled by the WWW-A entry in xxx01/tab/tab_z30_sort, the GUI Serials item sort is controlled by the SERIAL-x entry; the GUI Items and Circ item sort is controlled by the ITEM-x entry in xxx50/ tab/tab_z30_sort.

    In the Serials, Items, and Circ clients you have the option (at the bottom of the screen) of changing the sort dynamically. The Sort option "1" corresponds to the "ITEM-0" (or "SERIAL-0") entry in tab_z30_sort.

    Which sort comes up as the default is controlled by the ItemSortType value in the PC GuiSys.ini files - specifically those in Circ and Cataloging. If you specify "ItemSortType 2", then it will use the xxxx-2 line in tab_z30_sort.

    The label which displays at the bottom of the screen, describing each sort option, is specified in the xxx50/tab/pc_tab_exp_field.lng. Example:

    ITEM-SORT-TYPE ENG L copy; ascending.. ITEM-0

    The tab_z30_sort ISSUE-sorts generally use the z30_chronological_i field in preference to the z30_enumeration fields (or z30_description). The NON-ISSUE-sorts generally use the z30_enumeration fields (or z30_description) and don't generally use the z30_chronological_i. See the xxx01/tab/tab_z30_sort header for more information.

    Category: Web OPAC (500) - ALEPH

    Subject: ALEPH - 500

    • Article last edited: 6/19/2014