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    How is the recall due date calculated?

    • Article Type: Q&A
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20


    How is the recall due date calculated?


    The ./circ/get_recall_due_date program calculates the z36_recall_due_date as follows:

    1. Add the TAB16-RECALL-PERIOD (tab16, col. 19) to today's date

    2. Check tab17, looking for first open day on or after date #1

    3. If date #2 - z36_loan_date < TAB16-RECALL-MIN-PERIOD (tab16, col. 20), then make RECALL-DUE-DATE = today's date + TAB16-RECALL-MIN-PERIOD.

    4. Check tab17, looking for first open day on or after date #3

    5. If TAB100-RECALL-METHOD=1, then, if date #4 > z36_due_date move z36_recall_due_date to z36_due_date.
    else: move date #4 to z36_recall_due_date

    Additional Information


    tab100 RECALL-METHOD=02
    tab16 values:
    col. 19 = 7
    col. 20 = 14

    Item loaned on Jan. 2 and due on Jan. 20 is recalled on Jan. 5.

    1. Jan. 2 + 7 = Jan. 9
    2. Library is open Jan. 9
    3. Jan. 9 - Jan. 2 = 7. 7 < 14, so RECALL-DUE-DATE = Jan. 2 + 14 = Jan. 16.
    4. Library is open Jan. 16
    5. Recall due date = Jan. 16.

    Category: Circulation (500)

    Subject: Loans (500)

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013