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    How to Set Privileges to Push Record from GUI search of XXX01 to YYY01

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 17.01

    How can we give a user ability to "Push Cataloging" from Items. I tried all the Cataloging permissions but I still get the following error:

    846 OUT 2355 Wed 15-11-2006 11:54:02 010010132252xxxxxxx;;default;b8655895-8433-4584-8f17-dfe0cdceda9c;CAT; C0202 XXX30ENGGMMMMMMCIR030000
    User denied permission for function 'Cataloging(CATALOG)/Retrieve and view record(SHOW)'.

    The user has the permissions for "all functions all sub functions" allowed in YYY01, and YYY01 is the library we are connected to when performing the search.

    In order to use an external database/library (XXX01) as basis for copying records into your own library (YYY01), you need at least 2 Cataloging permissions in the external database (XXX01):
    catalog - EDIT (local cataloging rights) and
    SHOW (retrieve and view record).

    Searching LC via z39, the active library is EXT01

    Specific Instructions
    1. Open any module (as the user with rights to change other users privileges).
    2. Right-click on the key icon at the lower right of the screen.
    3. Select “Staff Privileges� from the menu
    4. Select the Username.
    5. Click the "Access Rights" button.
    6. Select the relevant library and click "OK".
    7. Click the plus sign (+) to the left of "Cataloging" and various functions will open below..
    8. Click the "Retrieve and View Record" sub-function and then click the "Allowed" button (alternatively, select the "All sub functions" line and then the "Allowed" button).
    9. Restart the PC server and reconnect to library..

    Other Considerations

    If all of the above has been done and the problem still occurs, make sure you are "pushing" to the desired library (for which the privileges has been defined).

    If there are several libraries in the AL500/catalog/tag/per_lib.ini, then put the desired library first in the list, or pre-connect to the library in the cataloging module before "pushing" to it.

    Be sure that XXX01 appears on the relevant line (say, YYY50) of the PAS section, in $alephe_tab/library_relation

    All privileges are defined in $alephe_tab/user_function.eng.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013