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    How to add subfield $4 in Full Link and Standard Format and translate it

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    Desired Outcome Goal:
    * To add subfield $4 of fields in the 7-- RESPONSIBILITY BLOCK. of UNIMARC in Full+Link display (GUI) and in Standard Format (OPAC)
    * Translate the numeric code ,inserted during the cataloging of the bibliographic record in the explicit relationship

    1. Verify which is the Edit field indicator present in the xxx01/tab/edit_doc_999.lng tab for the 7-- responsibility block fields (usually it is D)
    2. Open the ./xxx01/tab/edit_field.lng tab and if not present, add subfield 4 (line type 2) to the relevant fields
    3. Add the desired punctuation as prefix and/or subfield (col. 9 and 10)
    4. Note that usually subfields $3 and $4 are stripped in col.6 of line type 1
    Example: 1 # 70## D B -34
    In this case remove the 4 for the stripped subfields before saving the file
    5. Edit ./xxx01/tab/tab_abbrev. It is used in conjunction with the expand_doc_fix_abbreviation routine in order to change any text string in a bibliographic record with a different text string
    6. Add in col.1 the tags to which the subfield 4 (relator code) belongs
    7. Define the usage in col.2 (Y in this case)
    8. Insert the Relator Code in col.3;
    9. Edit in col.9 the textual relationship
    702## Y 080 Author of introduction
    10. Edit ./xxx01/tab/tab_expand
    11. Add the expand_doc_fix_abbreviation to the programs to the GUI-DOC-D and WEB-FULL routines.
    WEB-FULL expand_doc_fix_abbreviation
    12. Restart pc_server and www_server

    Category: System Management (500)

    Subject: Server Tables (500)

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013