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    How to create a search index for collection description

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    Desired Outcome Goal:
    * Create a word index on Collection field of the item record
    * The index should be based on the description of the collection and not on the code

    * Check in ./xxx01/tab/expand_doc_bib_z30 in which subfield the field collection from the item record (Z30) is expanded into the bibliographic record and that the Translation Flag (col.5) is set to Y:
    # z30-collection B space Y

    * Edit ./xxx01/tab/tab00.lng to defines the new index code, for example
    H WFD W-nnn 00 00 Collection

    * Edit ./xxx01/tab/tab11_word to assign the field to the new word index. Assign in col.6 an existing Word building procedure or create a new one in ./xxx01/tab/tab_word_breaking.
    Z30## B 01 WRD WFD

    * Check in ./xxx01/tab/tab_expand if the following line is present:
    WORD expand_doc_bib_z30
    If it is not present it must be added

    * Add the new index code:
    in ./xxx01/tab/pc_tab_sear.lng for Find Code (FI) for GUI search
    in $alephe_root/www_f_lng/find-code-include file for OPAC search

    * Restart PC Server and WWW Server

    * Run Update Word Index (manage-01) to populate the new index

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013