How to remove ABC20 library after migration from WEB-ILL to ILL2
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 18.01
We recently upgraded from 16.02 to 18.01 and went from WEBILL to ILL2. Currently we are receiving the following error messages on the pc_server logs several times a day:
Error: create_library_file_name - no env variable found for abc20_dev
defaulting to aleph_dev.... tab100
Error: create_library_file_name - no env variable found for abc20_dev
defaulting to aleph_dev.... tab100_pc
I am wondering if this is error message is being generated because we have not yet completed the Environment Cleanup (step 9.2 - Removal of xxx20 library) in particular. That documentation states "when you feel confident that this data is no longer needed it can be removed."
My questions are:
#1 What is the recommended process for removing the xxx20 library?
#2 If removing the xxx20 library will not resolve the above errors, what steps are necessary to do so?
I find nothing as far as instructions on how to properly remove libraries. I have noted the new service p-manage-92. Is this service applicable in this case?
Note: the following analysis is for XYZ50. The same will need to be done for other ADM libraries.
The following SQL shows that there are 45,206 XYZ50 ADM doc records with links to ABC20 (the old, pre-v18 ILL library):
xyz50@aleph16> select count(*) from z103 where z103_lkr_library = 'ABC20';
**** Hit return to continue ****
The following SQL shows them:
xyz50@aleph16> select z103_rec_key from z103 where z103_lkr_library = 'ABC20';
**** Hit return to continue ****
Looking at the first one, XYZ50 001847998, in util f/4, we see this:
LDR L ^^^^^^a^^^22^^^^^^^^4500
008 L 070504^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^eng^^
CAT L $$aWWW-X$$b00$$c20070504$$lXYZ50$$h1344
LKR L $$aADM$$lABC20$$b001847998
These "LKR ... $$lABC20" fields are of no use. You can remove them as follows:
1. Connect to xyz50 with the GUI Cataloging client.
2. Run p_ret_01 to locate records with an LKR field with a $$l value of ABC20.
3. Use the output file from #2 as input to p_manage_21, specifying that the LKR field should be deleted.
This will also delete the Z103 link records -- which are causing the error messages which you are seeing.
p_manage_92 is *not* relevant. It "removes an ADM library from a library consortium". ODN20 is an (old) ILL library, not an ADM library.
Later: A test should that removing these LKR's caused additional complications. We decided to wait until all, or almost all, of these v16 ILL's are returned before doing this removal.
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013