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    How to use basket/result list for ordering titles from the library

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 4.1

    How to use the basket and the result list as option for patrons to e-mail requests to the library

    The form for sending the title list from the basket and from the result list has an input field "Header/Title message" (see attached screenshot).
    This field could e.g. be used for the patron’s details. Together with the library’s e-mail address as fixed default in the field "Email" and a default text for the field "Subject" e.g. "Patron request to the library", the form would enable patrons to send a list of requested titles to the library.

    To set this up, please edit the following files

    1. ../htdoc/alipac_<lng>/basket-mail.htt --> add a description of the new option, e.g.:
    <p class="title">Send or request basket entries</p>

    <form name=form1 method=get
    onsubmit="return pleasewait();">

    <div class="text3">
    Selected records will be prepared for local storage or sent by mail
    to following address.
    Please enter an e-mail address only if the result should be sent.
    If you want to request the titles from the library, simply use defaults in the fields e-mail and subject.

    2. ../htdoc/alipac_<lng>/short-mail.htt --> --> add a description of the new option, e.g.:
    <p class="title">Send or request bibliographic records</p>

    <form name=form1 method=get
    onsubmit="return pleasewait();">

    <div class="text3">
    Records from list will be prepared for local storage or sent by mail
    to following address.
    Please enter an e-mail address only if the result should be sent.
    If you want to request the titles from the library, simply use defaults in the fields e-mail and subject.

    3. ../htdoc/alipac_<lng>/save-mail-form.htt --> default for subject line and e-mai address, modify text
    <td class="td2">Subject</td>
    <td class="td2"><input size=50 name="SUBJECT" value="Request to library"></td>
    <td class="td2">E-mail</td>
    <td class="td2"><input size=50 name="EMAIL" value=""></td>
    <td class="td2">Requester</td>
    <td class="td2">
    <textarea name="HEAD" cols=30 rows=2></textarea>

    Additional Information

    OPAC ; patron requests

    • Article last edited: 10/17/2013