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    Import Records on Navigation Tree

    • Article Type: Q&A
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 16.02


    What are the Convert Procedures in the Navigation Tree / Import Records?


    In the catalog\tab\catalog.ini file you will find the [ConvertFile] definitions for LOCAL and REMOTE Convert programs:

    The LOCAL programs are:
    Convert1=L,Books in print conversion,LOCAL,BIP,0
    Convert2=L,CDMARC conversion,LOCAL,CDMARC,0
    Convert3=L,2709 Portugal conversion,LOCAL,2709POR,5
    Convert4=L,2709 OCLC conversion,LOCAL,2709OCLC,3
    Convert5=L,CDMARC conversion for cyrillic,LOCAL,CDMARC,CP1251
    Convert6=L,2709 OCLC conversion with atl fix,LOCAL,2709OCLC,9
    Convert7=L,RLIN Pass,LOCAL,RLINPASS,5
    Convert8=L,2709 OCLC USMARC conversion for Chinese(simp),LOCAL,2709OCLC,CP936
    Convert9=L,2709 OCLC UNIMARC conversion for Chinese(simp),LOCAL,2709OCLCUNIMARC,CP936
    Convert10=L,2709 OCLC USMARC conversion for UTF,LOCAL,2709OCLC,CPUTF
    Convert11=L,2709 OCLC UNIMARC conversion for UTF,LOCAL,2709OCLCUNIMARC,CPUTF

    The REMOTE programs are:
    Convert12=L,Aleph Sequential,REMOTE,SEQ
    Convert13=L,Aleph300 Sequential,REMOTE,SEQ300

    1. The LOCAL programs are used for specific formats, as specified in their names.
    For example, if the records in your input file are in format BooksInPrint, the option "Books in print conversion" should be selected.
    For records in CDMARC format, the "CDMARC conversion" routine should be used.
    For records in MARC format, the routine "2709 OCLC conversion" or "2709 OCLC USMARC conversion for UTF" can be used (dependent on the character set of the records). These programs use basic character conversion. They cannot be changed.

    2. The REMOTE programs take their definition from the server, defined in ./xxx01/tab/pc_tab_cat_conv.
    In table pc_tab_cat_conv you can define the program, and the appropriate character conversion.

    3. The most compatible program for Importing MARC records is the MARC REMOTE program (Convert 14 in above example).
    You can define any character conversion for the loaded file in column 3 of the ./xxx01/tab/pc_tab_cat_conv table.

    4. The input files should be stored on your PC. The default location for the files is defined in the catalog.ini table as DefaultInputDir= .
    You can also select the location manually.

    Category: Cataloging (500)

    Subject: Importing records (500)

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013