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    In OPAC display FMT returns different description than TYP

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 16.02

    In an attempt to display a different icon for Musical Scores (SC) vs Music (MU) I rearranged the tab_type_config so that TYP SC is in above TYP MU.

    In the full record display the Format: description "Musical Score" now appears above "Music".
    In the MARC record display or the brief item display, these still display as MU.

    Since we are using the FMT to create the src= for the IMG, these Musical Scores are still displaying with the _mu icon. Is there some other mystical magic that must be applied to cause the FMT to generate the same information as the TYP?

    I would use the TYP to generate the src= for the <IMG but we are currently using it to display in text the TYP.

    www_tab_short.eng contains:

    4 L Format 00 00 0100 S ## FMT##
    6 L Format 00 00 0100 S ## TYP##

    and in short-a-body: <img src="/www_eng/icon/ccla_mat_$0600.gif" alt="$0800"

    [From Christine Moulen:]

    My understanding is that TYP was added because users wanted to be able to configure something like FMT and the existing FMT is hard-coded into the programs that handle record creation. You may be able to change the FMT format descriptions, e.g. in xxx01/pc_tab/catalog/formats.eng But you can't, as far as I know, add your own SC format in the FMT tag and have the system auto-generate it. (We call a fix-doc on certain records to change FMT from BK to BR, but they always start out BK.)

    Can you use TYP twice, once as the description and once as the image? Or can you define a second tag that acts just like your TYP, but can be set to display the description rather than the image? The latter seems a more likely possibility to me.;

    [From Brian Thompson, University of Iowa:]

    Just to follow up on what Christine has already mentioned, I think you could define both image and alt text with the TYP field. You could then define two TYP fields in edit_field.eng, one that uses the subfield a (for the code of the TYP field) and one for subfield b (the textual display). For instance; in www_tab_short.eng:

    4 L Format 00 00 0100 R ## TYP##
    6 L Format 00 00 0100 S ## TYP##

    And in short-a-body <img src="/www_eng/icon/ccla_mat_$0600.gif" alt="$0800">
    Or you could just alter your image icon names to match the TYP description (subfield b) and use "$0800" for both.

    Additional Information

    FMT, TYP, OPAC, display

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013