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    Install the Aleph2Alma Migration tool: Error after install aleph 2 urm

    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18,20,21,22,23
    • Relevant for Installation Type: Multi-Tenant Direct, Dedicated-Direct, Local, TotalCare




    • The installation of the Aleph2Alma Migration Tool fails with error "Error after install_aleph_2_urm"
    • $TMPDIR/a2u_install_sources_20200918_123643.log contains

    compile_cc: com_c urm_get_budget_hierarchy
    Micro Focus LMF - 010: Unable to contact license manager.
    This product has been unable to contact the License Manager.
    Execution of this pr
    oduct has been terminated. This pro
    duct cannot execute without the License Manager. Contact your license administrator
    or refer to the 'Information Messages' chapter of the License Management Facility
    Administrator's Guide.
    cob32: error(s) in compilation: /exlibris/aleph/a23_3/alephm/scratch/compile_cbl_files/io_urm_inventory.cbl
    iprou: com_io io_urm_inventory
    mv: cannot stat 'io_urm_inventory.gnt': No such file or directory
    Cannot compile iprou io_urm_inventory

    Error after compile_aleph_2_urm.


    Restart MF License Manager
    > cd /etc
    > ./mflmrcscript

    You should get a response like "License manager started". 

    If this is not working, see the article "Unable to contact license manager ".


    • Article last edited: 23-Sept-2020
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