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    Invoice amounts change when the budget is encumbered - why?

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 16.02

    When adding the service charge to the EBSCO invoice 9069208, we input the net amount of $4012.50.
    When we go to encumber a budget, the amount becomes 4110.20, why?
    The library expects total ampunt of the service charge to be the same as net ampount $4012.50.
    Invoice EBSCO 9069208 has net amount $164774.91, overhead amount $4012.50 and total amount $168787.41.
    Go to line items/add/ignore and put 4012.50 in net amount and refresh.
    The added ampount $97.70 is added, and so total ampount becomes 4110.20.

    In the event that you want to pay for the service charges out of a separate budget (i.e. GCSHIPS-2007) than the rest of the general invoice, it makes more sense to add it as a separate line item (rather than add this amount as an "Overhead Amount" in the general invoice). However, if you add service charges to the "Overhead Amount" in the general invoice, then you should not have to *also* add this amount as a separate line item (i.e. "Go to line items/add/ignore and put $4012.50 in net amount and refresh") - it's an 'either/or'.


    1. Remove the $4012.50 service charge to the "Overhead Amount" in the general invoice (you already have it accounted for in the line item).

    2. If #1 does work, remove the "$12.50" amount in the "Added Amount" field and modify the amount in the line item you have created for the overhead, change the "$4000.00" amount in the "Net Amount" field to "$4012.50".
    You will also need to delete/re-create the encumbrance for this line item.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013