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    Item is due immediately upon checkout

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    Item is due immediately upon checkout..

    The due date/time is set to the present date/time when the combination of the sublibrary/ item status/ bor status is not present in tab16 or, if present, where columns 6 and 9 (in the case of regular items) or 16 and 18 (in the case of requested items) are zeroes.

    Note: The system does not read tab16 for this purpose directly. It reads the xxx50 z301 table (the system due-dates table). This table is rebuilt with the first circ transaction each day. To make it be rebuilt sooner you need to:

    * connect to ABC50 with the GUI Circ and
    * run the p_cir_01 service (found under Services -- Manage Database Tables -- Rebuild Due Dates).

    This will update the z301 immediately.

    Note: non-due-date changes to tab16 are *not* stored in the z301; they require restart of the pc_server to take effect.

    • Article last edited: 1/16/2015