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    Journal Title Search URL for Serials Solutions

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    We need to send the URL prefix for Journal Title Begin With search to Serials Solutions. We are wondering if the following prefix is correct:

    The URL that you sent, looks like it gets you to the screen from which you can perform a Journal search, but it does not itself perform one.

    If you want Serials Solutions to do a search that would be the same as your "Title begins with... (drop initial article)" search as performed from the "Journals - Basic Search" screen, I believe the URL should look more like this:

    If you want them to perform a search like the one that a user would do from the "Journals - Advanced Search" screen, choosing the "Title" search for "BROWSE an alphabetical list", "Browse for Title" search, the URL would look like this:

    In either case, they would need to add search terms to the search separated by plus signs, as below:

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013