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    LC call numbers with decimal (period) sort incorrectly

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    We are trying to get a call number sorting in the GUI browse display that would satisfy our cataloger.

    24 del_subfield
    24 lc_call_no
    24 to_lower
    24 numbers
    24 compress_blank

    Rather than sorting like this:

    AC20 Q84[V581.1997
    AC20 Q84[V58.2002
    AC20 Q84[V582.2003

    we want this:

    AC20 Q84[V58.2002
    AC20 Q84[V581.1997
    AC20 Q84[V582.2003

    Looking at the results of util f/3 for these call numbers, we see the following for routine 24:

    IN -AC20 Q84[V581.1997 -
    OUT -ac!20q84[v5811997

    IN -AC20 Q84[V58.2002 -
    OUT -ac!20q84[v582002

    IN -AC20 Q84[V582.2003 -
    OUT -ac!20q84[v5822003

    Thus, the result is:


    that is, v5811.. files before v5820.. files before v5822..

    As you can see, the compression of the decimal (period) has given this result.

    The "numbers" routine is what compresses the decimal. I modified routine 24 in the abc01 tab_filing to not do "numbers":

    IN -AC20 Q84[V581.1997 -
    OUT -ac!20q84[v581.1997

    IN -AC20 Q84[V58.2002 -
    OUT -ac!20q84[v58.2002

    IN -AC20 Q84[V582.2003 -
    OUT -ac!20q84[v582.2003

    Thus, we have:


    I think that the "numbers" is *not* necessary for LC call numbers. I have restarted the pc_server and ue_01.

    Sending some records with the requisite range of call numbers to the server with this changed setting gave a satisfactory result. You could either use p_manage_40 to generate z07's for re-indexing or re-run the Headings sequence of jobs, as described in KB 16384-34771.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013
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