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    LDR 05 status 'd' records not indexed.

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20, 21, 22, 23

    We want deleted records to be indexed, so we have not been using the STA $$aDELETED field.

    In v15.2 we created an STA $$aXDEL field which *is* indexed. We set the LDR status (byte 05) to "d" since we want these records to be recognized as deleted when we export them.

    In v17, we are seeing that records with LDR status ‘d’ are not indexed (except that they do display in the Brief Recs).

    Can this be corrected?

    In v14.2 through v16.02, the check_doc_is_deleted program treats records with either "DEL Y" or "STA $$aDELETED" as deleted records and does not index them.

    Though I can't find any rep_ver or rep_change explaining the rationale, I see that, in v17-up, check_doc_is_deleted is changed so that it also treats records with LDR status byte "d" as deleted.

    In the current situation, the only choice would be to leave the LDR status as "n" and use a fix_doc to change it to "d" when you export the record.  Such a fix_doc is described in the article "Global Change to Fixed Field ".


    Additional Information

    Note from June, 2017:  This has not changed from version 17:  check_doc_is_deleted still treats records with LDR status byte "d" as deleted.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013