Legal Names vs. Preferred Patron Names
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 20
The global patron record in the z303 provides for a only a single form of name. There may be situations where the library may want to retain both a legal name and a preferred name. The legal name stated in legal identification would be necessary in the event that a patron 's unpaid bills had to be sent to collection, while a patron might prefer a different form be used in customary interactions with the library, for instance a "maiden" name used professionally before marriage or a name reflecting a gender change. Has this issue been raised and addressed?
I'm pretty certain that this issue has not been raised previously. It seems to me that you could store this information (the legal form of the name) in a Z303-NOTE field, with a distinctive prefix to identify it, and, then, when you are printing or exporting this patron's info to the collection agency, you could have a script (SQL or perl) which would read the Z303-NOTE and substitute the value found there for the normal z303_name.
The other approach would be to add a field to the z303 containing the legal name. If you want to pursue that approach, I think it would need to be done as an ELUNA Circ SIG Enhancement Request.
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013