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    Lending Library - ILL Requests Report and Slips (ill-65) p_ill_65

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    We have run ill-65 from the client with Update Status checked Yes and checked No. In every case, it produces every record, not just the ones since the last run. This is several hundred slips, which is not very useful. How can we run it so that only the slips needed since the last run/print are produced?

    The ill_65 service enables you to retrieve ILL Lending Requests, produce a report, and print a separate slip for each retrieval request.

    The service also enables you to update the Z416_STATUS of Located/LOC, "Multiple Located"/MLC and New/NEW Requests when the slips are printed. Request will be updated as follows:
    Located/LOC updated to "Located and Printed"/LPR
    "Multiple Located"/MLC updated to "Multiple Located and Printed"/MLP
    New/NEW updated to "New and Printed"/NEP

    Report template file name = ill-lend-requests-report.xsl
    Slips template file name = ill-lend-item-list.xsl
    The file will be output in the library's Print directory (dp).
    The names of input and output files must be entered in lowercase, with no spaces or special characters except underscore or hyphen.

    Print Slips
    Select "Yes" to print a separate slip for each retrieval request. The Z416_STATUS field will be updated only if this field is set to Yes (see "Update Status" below).

    Borrowing Libraries (partner_list)
    Choose which ILL Borrowing libraries' requests you wish to retrieve. Select ALL for all Borrowing libraries.

    Handle Request Status
    Choose the status of the requests for which you want to run the service. Select ALL for all statuses (Note that the UPDATE will be performed only for the statuses, LOC, MLC, and NEW, and even if you run this service with ALL to include all statuses, NO other statuses will be updated. In general, it is NOT recommended to use the ALL setting. The result is basically a dump of all existing Requests, including Closed etc, and can be a very large file/printout.)
    If you want to only update Requests in LOC, MLC, and NEW that have changed since the last time that ill-65 was run, then DO NOT select ALL. Run ill-65 three times, once for each of the statuses.

    Update Status
    You may select Update Status, ONLY if you selected Yes in the "Print Slips" field. If you don't want the status field to be updated for LOC, MLC, and NEW statuses, choose 'No'.

    The available combinations are:
    [1] Print Slips and Update Status
    [2] Print Slips and DO NOT Update Status
    [3] Do not Print Slips and do not Update Status
    The combination of DO NOT Print Slips and DO Update Status will NOT work.

    A sample log file name from $alephe_scratch: usm40_p_ill_65.00246

    Command Line:
    csh -f $aleph_proc/p_ill_65 active_library,report_file_name,slip_y/n,slip_file_name,ill_unit,partner_list/borrowing_libraries,handle_status,report_form_no,slip_form_no,update_db,staff_username
    csh -f $aleph_proc/p_ill_65 USM40,jill65-law,Y,jill65-s-law,ILL_LAW,,ALL,00,00,Y,LAW > /exlibris/aleph/a18_1/alephe/scratch/usm40_p_ill_68.20071129law
    Please note that, even if, in this example, staff user "LAWSTAFF" is denied permission to run ill-69 and cannot run it from the GUI interface, that staff username can be successfully used as a parameter when running it from the command line or job list. However, "LAWSTAFF" must be a valid staff username and if the staff-username and ILL Unit do not match, then LAWSTAFF's ILL Unit will be used instead of the ILL Unit specified. Also, LAWSTAFF MUST be written in upper case. In order to run the service for ALL ILL Units at once, the staff username parameter should be left empty and the ILL Unit parameter should be "ALL".

    02 14:23:00 Y USM40 p_ill_65 USM40,jill65-law,Y,jill65-s-law,ILL_LAW,,ALL,00,00,Y,LAW


    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013