Linking records for bound together monographs
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 16.02
What is the best way to link records for bound-together monographs?
I have tried to do this using the ITM type LKR field, but I end up with locations displaying in the OPAC as "no items available."
Perhaps there is a better way, as there is always an item available. It just happens to be bound with some other title.
We create a "dummy" item record for some of our serials that are all in paper and don't actually have any bar-coded items. You could put in the item Description that your particular monographs are bound under the other title. This won't actually link the records but it will not display: "No items available."
Additional Information
linking, bound-together
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013