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    Loan error: "Remote Service Error ... Unable to find Local Patron Information."

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    The message "Remote Service Error (c0441 23) Unable to find Local Patron Information" occurs when trying to loan items belonging to a particular sublibrary (-- or, perhaps, any sublibrary).

    Remote Service Error (c0441 23) Unable to find Local Patron Information.

    With this same patron ID I am able to borrow existing materials, such as 00000002271591. The entry for this error from the pc_server log is provided below. The station ID is configured to loan AUDIO sublibrary materials. Please let me know what additional information you may need.

    IP Address :
    Client Attr:
    LOGIN - javert
    PROFILE - default
    UUID - 1145a11f-ab82-419d-ad62-6bb5f8bde8df

    SERVICE : C0441
    MODULE : Circulation Services
    DESCRIPTION: Loan Item
    ACTION :
    PROGRAM : pc_cir_c0441

    tab_attr_sub_library_get: no match: AUDIOCIRC
    tab_attr_sub_library_get: no match:

    This is error message 23 in program pc_cir_c0441. It occurs when the program gets a non-zero return code from its call to io_z305_selected. io_z305_selected uses the z30_sub_library code to read the relevant line of tab_sub_library.lng, specifically, cols. 9-13 (the "TAB-SUB-LIBRARY-BOR-LIB"), to find the codes to check for z305's for this patron ID (the z303_rec_key). This could be "XXX50", "ALEPH", or the sublibrary code itself.

    The error indicates that it didn't find any. There could be three reasons for this:
    1. there are no z305 records for this patron ID (z303_rec_key) in either the XXX50 ADM library or in the $usr_library (if different)
    2. columns 9-13 in tab_sub_library.eng are not in the proper positions (-- for instance, they are pushed one or two positions too far to the right)
    3. there's a z305 for this patron ID but cols. 9-13 don't match bytes 13-17 of the z305_rec_key of any of these, for instance:
    a. there's a z305 with "XXX50" in bytes 13-17, but no TAB-SUB-LIBRARY-BOR-LIB value of "XXX50"
    b. there's a z305 with "ALEPH" in bytes 13-17, but no TAB-SUB-LIBRARY-BOR-LIB value of "ALEPH"
    c. there's a z305 with <sublib code> in bytes 13-17, but no TAB-SUB-LIBRARY-BOR-LIB value of <sublib code>.

    Example: The line in tab_sub_library.eng for AUDIO needs to be changed to be like ENGIN, specifically columns 9 and 10:
    ! COL 9. 5; ALPHA_NUM, UPPER; ;
    ! Local patron record;
    ! First choice for local patron privileges record;
    ! COL 10. 5; ALPHA_NUM, UPPER; ;
    ! Local patron record;
    ! Second choice for local patron privileges record;
    ! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
    ! 12 13
    AUDIO 1 ABC50 L Audio Center N15A N16A N17A AUDIO ABC50
    ENGIN 1 ABC50 L Engineering N15A N16A N17A ABC50 ALEPH

    • Article last edited: 10/29/2013
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