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    Loan session displays the wrong call number

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    We have a bib record, sys # 001295771, with 2 holdings, one item linked to each holdings. The first item, barcode 31205032968180, has call number AEC-OV 1315. The second item, barcode 31205032871863, has call number N7103 .A4 1992.

    When we check out the second item to a patron the loan session screen shows the call number of the first item. (It shows at the beginning of the line, before the author/title info.) This is just a display problem; the correct item is being checked out.

    I have looked at /exlibris/aleph/u20_1/xxx50/pc_display_eng/item-loan but I can't see why it is doing this.

    The pc_cir_reply_loan (and pc_cir_c0417) programs call get_bib_line_x to get the BIB_FORMAT number for "CIR-ITEM-FORMAT-LINE".

    As can be seen in the "How to Change Bib Info Displays" document (attached to to this article), the CIR-ITEM-FORMAT-LINE number is obtained from the ./alephm/source/copy/BIB_FORMAT file.

    Looking in the ./alephm/source/copy/BIB_FORMAT on your server, I see that it, like the example in the document, has an edit_paragraph number of 210.

    And this is what I see for 210 in the ./abc01/tab/edit_paragraph.eng:

    210 LOC## D
    210 1#### D ##
    210 245## 9 ^:^ .

    To test this, please temporarily comment out the "LOC" line in your abc01 edit_paragraph.eng 210 section and restart the pc_server.

    The call number you see is not being obtained from this particular z30, but rather, from the bib record (with expanded LOC or PST).

    In any case, you have two choices:

    1. Eliminate the call number from this display; or

    2. Leave the call number in and inform staff that, in the case of copies in different libraries, it may be not be the correct call number for this particular copy. But, if they click on the "Print Session" button, they will see the correct call number in the detailed item info in the Print Preview.


    Attached file

    • Article last edited: 2/9/2015