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    New borrower registration via the web (borrower addresses)

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    We want to use the bor-new-0 to register "other" library members (e.g. not loaded via PLIF), and I have a question about the address DATE_TO field.

    In usm50/tab/tab100, we have “DEFAULT-ADDRESS=02 999” because we do not want patrons choosing their own patron address DATE_TO field in the new borrower form in the Web OPAC (we’ve hidden it from view):

    <input type="hidden" name=M_Z304_DATE_FROM value="$1900">
    <input type="hidden" name=M_Z304_DATE_TO value="$2000">

    Despite the tab100 configuration the DATE_TO is not indefinite, but only 6 months. (Sept to March). Where is this coming from? If I leave these fields off the form, I get 0000/00/00 to the DATE_TO field. Is this considered indefinite? The help says:

    Valid From/To
    Enter the dates between which this address is valid. If the address is valid indefinitely, then enter a very distant date such as 31/12/2099.

    The following line in "get_default_address.cbl" indicates that "0000/00/00" is a valid way of expressing an indefinite Z304-DATE-TO:


    In which case, removing the Z304_DATE_FROM/TO fields from the bor-new form is the suggested method for getting the appropriate Z304-DATE-TO.

    Be sure to test this with a patron you have created via the web just to be sure that he can borrow, place hold requests, etc. with a Z304-DATE-TO = "0000/00/00".

    There is also an optional xxx50/tab/tab_bor_address.eng table - which would allow you to define an indefinite Z304-DATE-TO for address type 02.

    The tab100 DEFAULT-ADDRESS variable will allow you to define:

    # of days from registration date for a type 01 address only (if fast patron registration is used)

    # of days from registration date for a type 01 or type 02 address (if regular patron registration is used in the GUI or with www_f/bor-new)

    Please note that on page 46 of the v18 Staff User’s Guide – Circulation to: “Valid From/To - Enter the dates between which this address is valid. If the address is not expected to change, enter a very distant date such as 31/12/2099.”
    This document is specifically referring to patron address record generation in the GUI (as per the screen captures in the document), not the Web form, and it assumes that the operator will enter the “Valid From/To” dates manually.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013